Young Love and March Madness

As the snow melts from North East Snow Apocalypse 2016 we embrace the advent of spring, new life, and new prospects are on the horizon. Some think of spring cleaning, while others think of taking a vacation. With the dawning of spring, the tenor of relationships often changes too. A few years ago our family …

GROW Your Leadership, GROW Your Effectiveness

Last Spring I completed a six-week course in the T.D. Jakes Emerging Leaders Institute. The information presented was not only eye opening for me but further confirmed my desire to train and develop others in the area of leadership excellence. The financial investment to participate was significant for me (I have a toddler and an …

Wind Chasers: Much Effort, Little Gain

Through modernization, customization, alteration and tailoring, Christianity is becoming more “liberal”. People are constantly trying to modify the written truth to fit the new trends of the world. Religion has become a term of the past due to the popularity and freedom of just being able to simply tailor your faith. It’s quite simpler to …


RHONDA’S PICKS are specially selected Christian movies and music appropriate for members of our audience. This quarter’s Picks are two Christian movies and New Music. God’s Not Dead God’s Not Dead revolves around the assignment of Philosophy Professor Raddison (Kevin Sorbo). Bitter from adverse situations that have occurred in his life, Professor Raddison gives his …

The Chaos and the Calm

The world is in turmoil. It’s probably a phrase you’ve heard before, with good reason. The fallen nature of man means constant struggle. When we struggle, we are in our natural state. It’s not just a struggle against the sins we are born with, but those of the people around us. Think of every war …

Shed the Guilt

“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Rom 5:8) How many times have we said, “Lord, please forgive me, I won’t do it anymore,” but then go back and commit the same trespass again?  How often have we said, “It’s no use, I can’t …