Happy Father’s Day to All the Dads! As we look forward to normal, I hope that those who weren’t able to do so last year, have the opportunity to restore relationships and gather with their fathers on Father’s Day! In this Edition, we have two exceptional articles that speak to the importance of a father …

The Power to Break Free!

Freedom Through Restoration… There comes a time in our lives where we are faced with circumstances and burdens that seem too heavy to handle or carry. During those moments, we often fall into the pit of frustration and disappointment and find ourselves in emotional bondage of hurt, pain, confusion, and stress. These life-transforming situations often …

Freedom Through Restoration

Individuals who have been on Facebook for a few years are reminded daily through what they categorize as memories of things that were posted “on this day” going back about five years. It’s an interesting glimpse into the day’s happenings through pictures, quotes, videos, rants, and anything else that they were experiencing and more importantly, …

My “Daddy”

Restoration, according to Webster, means: a bringing back to a former position or condition; with a Biblical definition highlighting that it is to receive back more than has been lost to the point where the final state is greater than the original condition, with the main point being that someone or something is improved beyond …