Covered by the Blood

God allowed plagues in the bible for different reasons.  Because His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways, we can only imagine the purpose for them.  Could it be a message for the church to wake up to repentance so He can heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14)? The world …

Hidden Cries

Kids are Sponges The Year 2020. A year that will be marked in the hearts of everyone around the world. This year has been a lot for many and because there is so much going on, we can overlook how this is impacting our children. Kids are sponges. They just sit around and soak up …

Are Our Children Emotionless to World Chaos?

NO! When I originally started preparation for this article, I had planned to approach this subject from one specific angle. However, the events of May 25, 2020, presented another dynamic to this subject matter. Are our children emotionless to world chaos? In a nutshell, no. Our children experience more emotions than we would care to …

Finding Your Peaceful Place

A Month of Saturdays “The Lord blesses His people with peace.” ~ Psalms 29:11 In 2019, I prayed for an opportunity to take a leave of absence from work. I was working as a government contractor and the contract that I was supporting was scheduled to end on December 31, 2019. In my estimation, this …


Surviving in a World of Chaos We are living in very troubled times, to say the least.  But yes there is hope! We have some very straight talk emanating from our authors this quarter.  Please grab a handle and hold on. Faythe K. Daniels ~ from a mother’s heart admonishes us that during this pandemic, …