Recently, I watched the series, The People vs. OJ Simpson, which depicted one of the most infamous American trials. OJ Simpson was accused of murdering his wife and her friend. The prosecutors had what seemed to be an abundance of evidence against OJ Simpson. However, the piece of evidence that made them essentially lose the case was the glove that was found on the crime scene. During the trial, OJ Simpson was asked to try on the glove that was found at the scene and the glove did not fit. How could he have committed the crime if the glove did not fit? OJ’s lawyer closing argument had a catchy phrase, “if the glove doesn’t fit, you must acquit.” Should we completely disregard all the other evidence because the glove didn’t fit?
My parents’ vision for my future didn’t quite fit my plan. Growing up I’ve often questioned their parenting methods and promised myself that I wouldn’t parent in the same fashion. However, the older I became the more I understood the reasoning behind the “no’s” and the implementation of chores. Although their plans did not fit into my vision of how I should be raised, their plan was better to help shape me to be the woman I am today! So no, the glove didn’t fit, I wanted a new set of parents; parents that said YES to everything I wanted! Just because I didn’t agree with them at the time, it did not make them unfit parents! I learned to adapt with their rules and I am glad I did.
I always thought the plan I had for my life would fit perfectly into the plan God had for me. I was completely wrong; God’s plan was much more strategic to assist in my growth and development. God’s plan was better! If I had given up because His plan didn’t fit, I would’ve missed out on the many blessings His plan had to offer. We can be so quick to give up on God because His plan doesn’t seem to “fit”, but I encourage you to live according to His word to reap the many blessings. Too many times “Christians” intentionally disregard scripture because it doesn’t fit in with their lifestyle. The glove won’t always fit, but you must NOT acquit! You must trust in God’s plan. If the glove doesn’t fit, that means it’s time to renew your mind and adjust your attitude!

Aniyah Watkins, is a devoted wife, servant leader and minister. She grew up in Fort Washington, MD and currently resides in Alexandria, VA with her Husband.
She serves as an Outreach Servant Leader, a Youth Servant Leader, and Minister at High Calling Ministries; Pastored by George Hawkins Jr. Aniyah is a Towson University Alum, and currently enrolled at the University of Maryland University College; She is seeking a Master’s degree in Non-Profit Management, with the hope of helping non-profit organizations create a sustainable impact in the communities they serve through strategic program development. Aniyah founded Sustainable Impact Planning and Consulting, LLC earlier this year to provide non-profits with strategic recommendations for building a sustainable non-profit.
Aniyah serves as the Director of Community Programs for the Human Trafficking Awareness and Advocacy Group, a small non-profit with a mission to transform the lives of young girls through advocacy, education, and empowerment.
In her spare time, Aniyah enjoys hiking, biking, kayaking, and binge-watching! She is most compassionate about serving others.
Parents, this is what you get when you train up a child according to the Word of God! The seed has been planted and it brings forth fruit. When you honor your parents, God will honor and bless you!
Bless the Lord oh my soul and ALL that is within ME! BLESS HIS HOLY NAME!
Fantastic!!! Your parents (and rightly so) will love this! Superb ☺️