2016: JUNE

A Moment of Silence

It is very challenging living in a community. The hubbub of constant chatter, phones ringing, individuals vying for my attention, competing priorities, and personal preferences.  There are hardly enough minutes in the day to accomplish one of the items on my to-do list. Yet I am expected to maintain a civil demeanor and professional comportment.

At the end of the day I find myself trying to relate to my husband after harrowing experiences at work or during my commute. End of the day routines fill every moment of the evening, devouring emotional energy needed show concern for my husband and be attentive. Occasionally, events fall into a good rhythm and at other times life is cacophonous. How am I to cope without a few moments to think or to regroup?

Some days I want to scream, “Stop the madness!” When things escalate to this stage, I want to run away. Instead I walk into the laundry room to look out the window and whisper a prayer of thanksgiving or I walk out of the house to stand on the porch to breathe in fresh air and give thanks aloud.


For me, a moment of silence is like a cup of cool water on a hot day. I need time to clear my head, to regain perspective, and to be authentically present in the moment.  Many will say it is selfish to leave your loved ones alone so abruptly. I say, it is selfish and self-centered for me to remain with them when I am at my wits end. Being able to step away is healthy for my relationships.

I encourage you; be protective. Take care of your mental health. Your thoughts influence how you feel. If you are not “good” for yourself, you can hardly be “good” for anyone else. Love yourself and extend love to others. Take time for a moment of silence. Get focused. Perspective is reality.

Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted… Psalm 46:10 (NASB)

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  1. Geri says:

    What a refreshing article that frames my own experiences. I will now be intentional in taking the time out when “at my wits end” rather than reactive when I finally can’t take anymore! Thank you for the wisdom and clear articulation. Much love and respect always.

  2. How refreshing a moment of silence can be. It can renew you to go on a little farther. Thanks for reminding us to take a moment of silence when things seem overwhelming.

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