The Power to Break Free!

Freedom Through Restoration… There comes a time in our lives where we are faced with circumstances and burdens that seem too heavy to handle or carry. During those moments, we often fall into the pit of frustration and disappointment and find ourselves in emotional bondage of hurt, pain, confusion, and stress. These life-transforming situations often …

Does Out of Sight Really Mean Out of Mind?

Self-Care is Important!___ Society has suggested and even programmed today’s Millennials to believe that something out of sight means that it is also out of mind- which is not a HEALTHY mentality to adopt. In my personal research and experience, I have found this statement to be enabling further mental destruction and distorted perception of …


Climate Change__ As we encounter various climate changes in our current environment, what do they mean?  We also experience climate changes in our lives and workplace – how do we recognize and cope with them? This theme for March was developed before the outbreak of this current pandemic.  I believe God’s divine purpose for this …