Be the Love You Desire to See in the World

Do Your Part

As the world enters what appears to be another war between countries, citizens of the United States of America are struggling to determine what the safety of the country lies in the upcoming battle. Many people are still struggling with the war between health and livelihood as the rise of Covid cases are still a topic of concern in many states. Then the economy suffering its unpredictable plummet has placed a consistent face of fear in the minds of both low-income and middle-class families. With all these sad and unfortunate circumstances occurring around us, it is important that we aim to do our part of helping each other thrive through the madness. One way we can help achieve this is by being an agent of peace. By choosing to love not only ourselves but those around us, we can help peace be the resolution to wars within our own communities and those happening in other parts of the world. LOVE is key! Many times, we talk about needing peace and wanting peace, but we don’t talk about what that entails. In my own opinion, LOVE is the one thing that will bring peace to any situation. Loving yourself to walk away from what doesn’t bring peace or loving someone enough to be the peace – in both scenarios, where love is there can be peace also. I encourage you to examine your current circumstances and relationships and determine if you are bringing peace through love or causing war without it. Be the love you desire to see in the world.

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