The Dress
I’m clothed in beauty, like the first woman Eve.
I’m clothed in sorrow, like Hanna unable to conceive.
I’m clothed in determination, like Esther who went to see the King.
I’m clothed in meekness, like Ruth to her mother-in-law did cling.
I’m clothed in wisdom, like Deborah the prophetess and judge.
I’m clothed in faith, like the widow woman gave her last meal to Elijah and did not begrudge.
I’m clothed in submission, like Mary the handmaiden of the Lord.
I’m clothed in joy, like Elizabeth a son in her old age was a great reward.
I’m clothed in strength and honor, like the virtuous woman who excels them all.
I’m clothed in love, like the bride of Solomon awaiting in the banquet hall.
I’m clothed with God’s Spirit, for He has dressed me well.
If there are things I lack, God will continue to clothe me and in His presence I will dwell.
[When faced with various emotions and challenges, obedience to God and perseverance are the keys.]
Regina has been writing poetry and short stories since high school. The inspiration for her material comes from sermons preached, testimonies she has heard and life’s experiences. Regina is a mother, grandmother and an active member of the Lothian Church of God. In addition to writing, she is an etiquette coach for young girls between the ages 10 – 15. Her passion is to help them build self-esteem using Psalm 139:14 “…for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:…” as her guide. After 38 years in the federal government, God instructed her to retire and to do more for Him. Praise God for He is her source!