For this last Edition of 2017, we chose to focus on spreading the good news! We have had such a tumultuous year with so many tragedies and political unrest that some good news is very much welcomed and appreciated. Our release of the December Edition is a little late due to our transition to the United Kingdom. But, the good news is that we arrived safely and all is well!
There are many who experience a difficult time during this Christmas Season. The loss of a loved one, separation from family by distance, or a broken relationship can cause depression and hopelessness from those affected by these difficulties. I would like to share some good news: God loves you, understands your plight and wants to restore the joy that once permeated your soul.
If possible, try to focus on the praiseworthy rather than the not-so-good events of your life. Fill your mind with the promises of God and a productive New Year. The video and articles penned for this Edition will encourage you with only good news. The most important news bulletin is that God sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, born in a manger, to save us from sin, depression and hopelessness. Thinking of these scripture verses in Luke, I proclaim to you that the great news of the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ will sustain you. I pray that you keep God’s Word in your heart.
“And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:9-11, KJV).
From the Teachable Moments Magazine Team, we wish you a Merry Christmas and have a blessed and safe New Year!
Florence R. Smith
Florence R. Smith is a self-motivated professional skilled in directing and organizing tasks to achieve overall mission objectives. She has been employed with the Federal Government since December 2004. During her tenure, she was deployed to Kabul, Afghanistan for six months and had a tour in England for three years. She serves in many capacities within the Gospel Spreading Church of God.
Florence has a Bachelor’s in Business Administration and Master’s in Technology Management, both from University of Maryland University College; and a Master’s of Strategic Studies Degree from the U.S. Army War College. She is a published author and owner of Teachable Moments Press, a Christian publishing company. A woman with a message of hope, encouragement, and inspiration, Florence will leave you motivated and inspired in fulfilling your purpose!