Weighty Matters

A few months ago, in many churches, there was much hand wringing and head shaking over the new laws that passed in the Nation’s Capital.  Essentially, in Washington, DC, it is now legal for persons older than twenty-one years of age to: possess two ounces or less of marijuana; share one ounce or less with …

Put GOD F.I.R.S.T.

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matt 6:33 KJV). Who or what is first in your life? OH, GOD, of course we say!! But is He really? Stop and think about the last three decisions you just made; large or small. Hmm… …


I’ve always been a fan of “momentum”.  Well, not scientifically of course because I hate physics, but practically speaking. What I mean is I have always been fascinated about finding ways to give minimal effort but get maximum return. Yeah, okay… I’m lazy. Are you happy now? I am a push the rock downhill kind …