In this life we will certainly have trials and tribulations. The one thing that makes these life misfortunes bearable is knowing that we have a Comforter who we can depend on to help in time of need. God is my Comforter. When sickness or tragedy strikes, I know I can call on my 24/7 physician. …
Life Without God
When we go through life without God, it is like walking on a pitch-black path filled with hidden dangers that you cannot see. You are going to end up falling over things, bumping into stuff that you did not know was there. When you fall to the ground, you do not know what you may …
Encourage One Another
As I was going about my day, a thought came to mind about the need for accountability to encourage one another. It is a sad situation when a friend or loved one is separated from you by a sudden death or is sentenced to jail or prison for a lengthy time. It is also a …