Joy or Fear ~ The word new can either strike joy or fear in our hearts. Some see new as a threat to what has become comfortable. Others see new as hope for the future. The common thread with both views is change. New is moving from something that is present or familiar to something …
…With Loneliness ~ Almost two years ago we moved back to the East Coast, something my husband and I had been longing for for many years. But what we didn’t fully understand, was the impact on the remaining 3 people in our household who had only called the Midwest home. We knew there would be …
Frontline Healthcare
The Golden Rule… I never took an oath or swore to protect anyone, maybe my husband somewhere in those vows. But the mission of every healthcare organization to some extent is to do the best for its clients, and it is this golden rule that every healthcare worker operates by for patient care. Or at …
…I HAVEN’T PACKED! [ap_dropcaps style=”ap-square”]T[/ap_dropcaps]his situation would not startle a seasoned traveler or business traveler who is used to living out of a suitcase. But let’s add some drama: My (International) Flight (For The Vacation I’ve Been Planning For The Past Year) Leaves Tomorrow and I Haven’t Packed (or Set Up International Services On My …
Grace Sufficiency
Jelly donuts. Sweet fried dough is good enough on its own, right? But when you add the jelly, with it’s unique sweet flavor in the middle of that fried confection, the experience cannot be compared to any other dessert experience. Or the breakfast experience, if that’s when you like your jelly donuts. Believe it or …
Yielding to Patience!
I’m going to come right out of the gate and blow your theology out of the water. Waiting on God is not a passive activity that you engage in by quoting scriptures you halfway believe and praying prayers that do not ignite your spirit. Waiting on God is an active display of trust. It’s you …
When Someone Shows You Who They Are, Believe It
Actions speak louder than words. But, sometimes our ears are only tuned in to the words. So what happens when we’ve gotten ourselves involved in a relationship with a person or a partnership with a group of people, that sounded one way but turned out to be something else? Do we head for the hills …
Maintaining a Healthy Spirit Through Transition
The late Dr. Myles Munroe taught that the only thing constant in life is change and that you have to prepare for it so that when it comes, you’ll be a victor and not a victim. With change there is always transition from what is familiar to what is new. And in almost every situation, …
The Season of Giving
This time of the year comes with mixed feelings. For most, we love the Christmas songs, lights, and gifts. For others, it is a reminder of their lack, whether it be financially or loss of loved ones. However, somewhere in the middle of these two extremes, joy can be found. The reason for the season …