When has God failed us?
When was the last time we thought we wouldn’t make it; the last time things didn’t work out as we expected? GOD was there then, and HE is here now. We are still here. When does our trust in GOD and the things HE’s done in the past help with what we are currently experiencing? Why is it so easy to forget what GOD has done in the past and allow the enemy to convince us of the lies that maybe GOD is tired of us, or that we have to be worthy or perfect in order for GOD to help us? If that were the case, none of us would be saved. Yes, there are things for which we must repent. Yes, there are consequences that we may face because of past sins and poor choices, but if GOD IS GOD (and we certainly believe HE IS), what is impossible for HIM? Absolutely nothing! Is our uncertainty because we don’t believe HE can, or is it that we don’t believe HE will, based on something in our own lives? The treadmill of legalism will have us thinking that we have to do so many things just right in order for GOD to bless us or in order for us to be able to call upon HIM to help us. However, when we know the FATHER’S heart, we can trust HIM to see us through. HE knows our steps, and HE knows exactly what it will take for us to get to where HE desires us to be. Not where we or others think we should be, but where HE desires. That is a HUGE difference.
GOD calls us to cast ALL of our cares on HIM because HE cares for us. (I Pet 5:7 caps added for emphasis) That can only be done by laying down our pride and humbling ourselves under HIS mighty hand, acknowledging that HE knows what HE’s doing, and learning to trust HIM day by day, moment by moment. As we rely on the truth of HIS Word we can trust when HE says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Heb 13:5d – NJKV) Even when we can’t see HIM, we can track HIS past works. HE desires that we be assured of HIS love for us and that HE will keep and deliver us yet again. Trust is using the faith that GOD has given and standing in confidence that HE WILL do what HE has said, no ifs, ands, or buts. So often we expect GOD to be on our timetable, when in all actuality, HE is not bound by time at all. We think in order for things to work out, they have to be done in the way that we desire, according to our plans, our reasoning, or in our timeframe. Do we really have the strength and power to speak and bring things to pass on our own? If that is the case, then how and when do miracles occur? If things only happen when we decide they should happen, is that really evidence of GOD working? Where does trust and faith in GOD and HIS plans come in?
Over the years GOD has been sharing with this vessel how to trust HIM and Speak Life when all I could see was darkness. When I felt trapped and it looked like there was no way out, HE gave me declarations of encouragement as HE shared with me who I am in HIM. GOD desires for us to trust HIM in everything. HIS WORD IS STILL TRUE:
“Be anxious for NO-THING, but in EVERYTHING by prayer and supplication, WITH THANKSGIVING, let your REQUESTS be made known to GOD; and the PEACE of GOD, which surpasses ALL understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through CHRIST JESUS.” (Phil 4:6-7 – NKJV) (caps added for emphasis)
GOD’S WORD STILL PROVES TRUE!! If HE said it, then it can’t not be true.
What have we been relying on during this time of unrest? Are we leaning on our own understanding saying “Lord, what you’ve said doesn’t make sense”? How many of us have trusted GOD only in certain areas, but then worked on handling other areas in our own strength? How’s that been working out? HE desires to be our PRESENT HELP in the time of trouble. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble (Ps 46:1). Since that is the case, why are we fearful, and why do we worry and fret? “God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken and will He not make it good and fulfill it?” (Num 23:19 AMP)
We must learn who we are as well as Whose we are! When that is solidified in our spirits as faithful disciples of JESUS CHRIST we can learn to trust and depend on GOD day by day, moment by moment, to not only see, but to also carry us through these challenging and uncertain times. HE IS A GOD OF CERTAINTY, and HE CAN be TRUSTED to carry us through to HIS EXPECTED END for our lives!

Growing up in a home filled with music and the Word of GOD, little did this youngest of five know that the LORD would use both to stir up a passion for longing to know HIM, to hear HIS voice, and to minister to others. “Prophetess T.” as she is affectionately called, is an anointed singer, songwriter, and prophetic worshipper. She was gifted at an early age to teach, train, counsel, and exhort others from the Word of GOD. In addition to having a Master’s Degree in Christian Counseling, she is a certified Life Coach, Mentor, Biblical Counselor, and licensed Minister. In June 2020, she published her first book: “31 Days of Trusting GOD: From the Heart of a Prophetic Worshipper Vol. 1.“ (available at Amazon.com) She lives in the Washington, DC metropolitan area with her husband and youngest son.