Restoration Testimony

Here’s a powerful testimony from my brother, Elder Mark C. Smith, Sr. God delivered him from COVID-19 and restored his health.
May God bless you all! I am thankful just to be able to see another day. I can say Hallelujah to the Most High God and my Savior Jesus Christ!
I thank God, just for another day to be in the land of the living. Amen! Thought for the day, there’s power in the breath of God. The adversary of mankind who is seeking who he may devour thought he had a plan to cut me off. I was unaware of my singing the song, Let Him Breathe on Me, that it brought hope for the will to go on for so many of my FaceBook family and friends. I slowed up on singing that song at one point and just sang it to myself because I thought within myself that nobody was listening. But little did I know that so many people acknowledged that the song brought them hope. So please forgive me if I had slowed up a bit, but I will continue to sing Let Him Breathe on Me. I sing this song because of scriptures that speak of the power of God’s breath and what happens when He breathes on you. Read Genesis 2:7 “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” (KJV) Also, Ezekiel 37:5-6, 8-10; St John 20-22.
I now know what it’s like to have this Delta variant of COVID-19. You suffer from shortness of breath, tiredness, unable to hold food down, chills, shakes, fever, cold sweats, and backaches. Those who have had it, and have been restored, know exactly what I’m talking about. So today, Let Him Breathe on Me, and everyone else the breath of life. Amen…Amen!
At my age, I never had a vaccine shot for this virus. Because there are many of us who walk by faith and not by sight. Some may have thought this virus was going to claim one more because it is the destroyer of mankind’s ability to breathe within the lungs. There are many of us that do believe that God will protect us. But God used my body to be an example of His power, that He might get the glory out of what has befallen upon me. I can say Hallelujah He breathed on me! And I’m going to give Him all the praise because I am a living, walking miracle of the breath of God…. Let Him Breathe on Me!
I thank God for giving me the strength to be able to take a little walk to the James River a week after becoming ill to watch the Rising of the Sun. It’s been a long time since the Sun has risen over the James River at the particular spot I visited. The Sun has been on a different course for a while now. But I say, “Welcome back Sun!” I just love watching the rising of the Sun over the James River. I know going to the River is a strong desire, but I felt so much better, after that visit to the water. I did kneel down in prayer, thanking God for life, health, and strength! I asked God to remove this virus from this world, as my supplication to God while praying. I may not have been able to sing it, but I did ask: Let Him Breathe on Me!
I thank God that my fever ceased after a week and my oxygen level went from 91 to 94. I was feeling much better as I was on the road to recovery. I thank you all for your personal calls and words of encouragement – It really lifted my spirit. I am grateful to God for His grace and mercy and ask that you continue to pray for others who also were infected with this virus. I thank everyone who has held my name up in prayer during this chapter in my life – I appreciate you! Be safe and be careful because it’s a different world today.
Remember, God’s tomorrow will be better than today.
Let Him Breathe on Me
Written by: Elder Mark C. Smith, Sr.

Florence R. Smith is a self-motivated professional skilled in directing and organizing tasks to achieve overall mission objectives. She has been employed with the Federal Government since December 2004. During her tenure, she was deployed to Kabul, Afghanistan for six months and had a tour in England for three years. She serves in many capacities within the Gospel Spreading Church of God.
Florence has a Bachelor’s in Business Administration and Master’s in Technology Management, both from University of Maryland University College; and a Master’s of Strategic Studies Degree from the U.S. Army War College. She is a published author and owner of Teachable Moments Press, a Christian publishing company. A woman with a message of hope, encouragement, and inspiration, Florence will leave you motivated and inspired in fulfilling your purpose!
Yes…..when the Lord God is your shepherd, He will restore your soul and sustain you for His glory ☝