God’s Timing
As we strive to move on with our lives despite the plague, I often hear the question: “When will this end?” Please know that God is still in control and His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways…hang in there – we’re on God’s Timing. We must all learn to live with this plague until God removes it from our world. Don’t let your guard down, pray, be safe, and get vaccinated.
In this Edition, we have an extraordinary testimony of God’s timing and healing from my brother, Elder Mark C. Smith, Sr. He shared his song: Let Him Breathe on Me! Elder Jerry Woods continues to enlighten this audience and challenges us to have Determined Faith!
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Florence R. Smith, Editor-in-Chief

Florence R. Smith is a self-motivated professional skilled in directing and organizing tasks to achieve overall mission objectives. She has been employed with the Federal Government since December 2004. During her tenure, she was deployed to Kabul, Afghanistan for six months and had a tour in England for three years. She serves in many capacities within the Gospel Spreading Church of God.
Florence has a Bachelor’s in Business Administration and Master’s in Technology Management, both from University of Maryland University College; and a Master’s of Strategic Studies Degree from the U.S. Army War College. She is a published author and owner of Teachable Moments Press, a Christian publishing company. A woman with a message of hope, encouragement, and inspiration, Florence will leave you motivated and inspired in fulfilling your purpose!