“Ouch! That hurt me!” said the person who just got their foot stepped on by another person. “It was an accident! I’m sorry!” said the person who caused the pain. Having someone step on your foot accidentally is much different than someone saying hurtful words that injure your confidence, character, and self-esteem. The pain in …
The Challenges of Sowing Seeds in Your Ministry
Towanda Coles goes straight to the point with how to overcome the distractions of the enemy when sowing seeds in the place where you were planted. Click Here to view the Video Towanda ColesTowanda Coles is a native Baltimorean with a passion for teaching and developing Servant Leaders to serve in the spirit of kingdom …
Sow A Good Seed, Everybody!
Growing up, I would spend time thinking about the front license plate of my Grandfather’s Buick. The message was so simple yet held so much meaning. It was something that he spent his life doing. The license plate simply stated, “Sow A Good Seed, Everybody”. When one thinks of sowing seeds, we tend to think …
When and What are We Sowing? Believe it or not, we are always sowing! Some of our seeds (thoughts, words, actions, deeds, misdeeds) are known & intentional, and some are unknown & unintentional. Regardless, they have been sown. That which has been put out into the atmosphere through our mouths and actions will bring forth …
Pursue Joy!
A Motto for Life Dear reader we are in the season of family, peace and joy. For many of us however, those feelings and connections feel so out of reach. I wrote the book God & A Plan as my response to such a season in my life. My 8year-old Valerie was snatched from this …
Pen and Purpose
…the power in a pen I’ve looked death in the eyes a few times over. Though it had the face of a ballpoint pen. It is direct in its dissertation detailing the life laid before the paper. It tells of every inhale and footstep, I am not friends with death, it has not punctured my …
Must We Be Personally Affected in Order to Care
Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Philippians 2:4 The question is “Must We Be Personally Affected in Order to Care?”. The scriptures above are very clear that this is not …
You Pray – I Pray
Ingredients of Prayer Saturday, at my house, has always been a day of relaxing, reflecting, cooking and eating. As a child, growing up, I can remember family times around the table. On Saturday morning, our family would get up a little later than our usual time of waking up during the week and get ourselves …
You Hurt. I Hurt.
Jesus Wept. Hmmmm. What would cause our Lord and Savior – our upcoming King, the one who was brought as a lamb to the slaughter and opened not his mouth – to WEEP? Jesus had some very close and dear friends, Mary, Martha and Lazarus. One day Lazarus became sick and eventually died. Afterward, …